

“Without music life would be a mistake.” – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Key Stage 3 Music Curriculum Intent

Our overriding aim is to ensure that all students can enjoy and appreciate the multitude of benefits that music can offer. Music plays a key role in developing a student’s spiritual, moral and social values alongside an appreciation and understanding of other cultures and British values. We explore these elements through a wide range of music from different genres, periods and places. We also aim to link student learning to the ‘wider world’, showing how the skills they learn can apply to life out of school and, where appropriate, potential careers. 

The Key Stage 3 curriculum is designed to build on what students have learnt at KS2; we develop their skills in performing, composing and appraising and prepare them for future study at KS4, should they choose it. 

At Meopham, we find there is a wide range in terms of what students have learnt and experienced before they arrive at the school; some students will have had very little musical education while others may already play an instrument to a high level. 

A key part of the Year 7 curriculum is getting to know our students and ensuring each is supported, stretched and challenged at a level that is appropriate for them. 

Year 7 skills:  

  • Read and perform from basic music notation  

  • Understand the elements of music, so they can apply this to their listening, appraising, performing and composition  

  • Develop a sense of pulse and rhythm, so they can perform effectively  Work and perform effectively in groups and ensembles  

  • Understand basic music theory, so they can use this later in the key stage when composing music

In Years 8 & 9 the above skills are developed further so students can:  

  • Develop instrumental skills, so they can perform ‘real music’ as a solo and ensemble player  

  • Create and compose their own ideas for either live performance or using computer software. These are key skills that will be used further at KS4  

  • Appreciate and appraise music from a range of cultures, styles and eras  

  • Develop their listening and appraising skills further, identifying and describing musical features. These are key skills that will be used at KS4  

  • Develop improvisation skills that are important in developing both performance and composing confidence

All students will develop their creativity and be able to develop ideas, and increase proficiency in their execution of skills. Students also have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. In Music students will build on their previous knowledge and skills through performing, composing and listening. They develop their vocal and/or instrumental fluency, accuracy and expressiveness, and understand musical structures, styles, genres and traditions, identifying the expressive use of musical dimensions. They listen with increasing discrimination and awareness to inform their practice as musicians. They use technologies appropriately and appreciate and understand a wide range of musical contexts and styles. 

Lessons are very practical based and students work in pairs, individually and in groups to develop their musical skills in a wide range of genres and styles. Students work on keyboards, ukuleles, pitched and unpitched percussion instruments and are encouraged to bring in their own instruments when doing group work. Some units are based in the computer suite with a focus on music technology skills.

As a department we feel very strongly about developing students' love for each subject and create an atmosphere where students can learn through their mistakes, celebrate the journey of learning and develop a growth mindset. There will be a real “buzz” in the air as you walk into a KS3 lesson and students will be given every opportunity to develop their resourcefulness, resilience, reciprocity and reflectiveness.


Key Stage 3 - Music Overview

Year 7

Term 1

Musical Elements & Cartoons - planning musical response to “Chariots of Fur” (Looney Tunes).

Term 2

The Voice - Different Types of Voices/ Call & Response (Performance - Hu Tah Nay)

Term 3

Instruments of The Orchestra - Listening Skills

Term 4

Instruments of The Orchestra - Classical Composers - Le Cygne (Keyboard performance)

Term 5

Ukulele - Introduction to & Ensemble Performancestudents

Term 6

Keyboard Skills - “When You Wish Upon a Star” performance

Year 8

Term 1

Keyboard Skills - development and performance of “Shallow” (Lady Gaga/Bradley Cooper).

Term 2

The Blues - History of Slave Trade, Call & Response (Swing Low) Improvisation over the top of the 12-bar blues (blues scale)

Term 3

Vocals, Ukulele & Keyboard - students will learn 4 basic chords (and compose/arrange a four chord song using existing popular songs for assistance). Performance will be in the form of ensemble (Vocals, Ukulele & Keyboard)

Term 4

Bandlab - Shape of You (Midi Programming/Music Technology)

Term 5

Hip Hop/Rap - Pachelbel's Canon - Introducing Songwriting

Term 6

Keyboard & Rhythm Skills - developing a Reggae-themed performance.

Year 9

Term 1

Ukulele - Hawaiian Rollercoaster Ride

Term 2

Ukulele - Composition

Term 3

Video Game Music - Keyboard performance Trust Wide Assessment at end

Term 4

Musicals - This is Me - students will have sung & composed their own version of “This Is Me” by the end of this Unit.

Term 5

Dance Music - History of & Bandlab Project

Term 6

Dance Music - History of & Bandlab Project