Contact Us
Reporting an Absence
Ring the absence line on 01474 814646 before 8:30am on each day of absence. There is an answer phone
Email: Attendance Officer
Contacting Heads of Year or Curriculum Leaders
Please use the communications portal link.
This will help us to direct your pastoral or academic queries to the right person.
We aim to respond to emails within two working days during term time. This 48 hours does not include emails sent by parents/carers out of hours. Out of hours emails are classed as emails sent after 5.30pm and before 8.30am during the week or emails sent after 5.30pm on a Friday evening, and before 8.30am on a Monday morning.
Contacting the Safeguarding team
Any safeguarding concerns, or confidential staffing issues should be directed to the school safeguarding team.
Email: Safeguarding Team
For urgent safeguarding matters, please call directly into reception and ask to speak to the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead. (DSL)
Meopham Reception
For general school queries, please contact Reception via email or by telephone.
Telephone: 01474 814646
Address: Meopham School, Wrotham Road, Meopham, Kent DA13 0AH
Email: Meopham Reception
Contacting the Admissions officer:
Contact: Admissions officer
Email: Admissions
Contacting the SENDCO:
Contact: Jenny Trueman
Email: using the form in the Communications Portal (above)
Staff Roles
Executive Headteacher: Mr S. Cox
Headteacher: Mr E. Roberts
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs Z. Romney
Deputy Headteacher: Mr D. McQuillan
Assistant Headteacher: Miss L. Hodd (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs J. Hatch
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs L. Huggens
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs H. Davies Lane
Assistant Headteacher: Mr A. Rigglesworth
Heads of Year |
Year 7 | Mrs E. Tiller |
Year 8 | Ms R. King |
Year 9 | Mr N. Goldsmith |
Year 10 | Mr T. Payne |
Year 11 | Mr C. Whittle |
Learning Leaders |
KS3 Raising Standards Leader | Mr. S. Bahrawy |
KS4 Learning Leaders |
Mr A. Rigglesworth (Year 11) Mr Huggens (Years 9 and 10) |
Head of Sixth Form | Mrs Z. Romney |
The Windmill
The Windmill Ms J. Trueman
English and Drama Department
Curriculum Leader Mrs Williamson
2 i/c Miss G. Sparrow
Mrs O. Briscoe
Ms J. Trueman
Mrs E. Tiller
Mrs E. Fisher
Mr E. Roberts
Mrs. N. Porter-Clarke
Maths Department
Curriculum Leader Mrs H. West
2 i/c Miss C. Garrett
Mr S. Bahrawy
Mr P. Huggens
Mrs S. Kumar
Mr A. Rigglesworth
Mrs D. Kaur
Ms A. Sandhu
Science Department
Curriculum Leader Mr T.Whitnell
2 i/c Mr T. Alldridge
Mr G. Briscoe
Mrs H. Eaton
Mr C. Whittle
Mr S. Soskind
Mrs J. Hatch
Miss M. Orange
Physical Education Department
Curriculum Leader Mr C. Savory
Miss A. Flavelle
Miss J. Freitas
Mr C. Whittle
Mr N. Goldsmith
Mrs H. Davies-Lane
Art & Technology
Curriculum Leader Mrs E. Morgan
Miss L. Hodd
Mrs T. Kerr
Ms. B. Slingsby
Mrs M. Nicolau
Curriculum Leader Mr. T. Knight
Business and ICT
Curriculum Leader Ms U.Ifeanyi
Mrs H. Buddington
Mr B. Kasumu
Humanities Department
Curriculum Leader Mrs C. Woods
2 i/c Mr M. Finch
Mrs V. Neveling
Miss H. Noakes
Mr S. Obbard
Mr T. Payne
Mrs Z. Romney
Miss N. Williams
Mr B. Pepper
Modern Foreign Languages
Curriculum Leader Miss S. Letocart
Mrs E. Greenwood
Mrs H. Harker
Mrs M. Harris
Mrs W. Lajnef
Careers Advisor
Mrs L. Bishop
Chair of Governors Mr A. Barham
Vice Chair/Safeguarding Mr S. Payne
Parent Mr M. Dawson
Mr R. Jones
Co-Opted Mrs M. Aldred
Mrs A. Evers
Staff Mr T. Alldridge